Video Guard secures Deutschlandhaus in Hamburg
With the Deutschlandhaus, a new building is currently under construction in Hamburg. In the middle of the city center on Gänsemarkt, the building complex will offer modern space for offices with additional uses such as restaurants, retail and housing – and thus contribute to the development of the district. Construction is currently in the implementation phase. Completion is planned by the end of 2022. During this time, the construction site is guarded by Video Guard.
In Hamburg’s prime location, a construction project steeped in history is currently being guarded by cameras: Video Guard is securing the construction site of the new Deutschlandhaus on Gänsemarkt. Outside of working hours, the cameras are activated and keep an eye on access points and machines. If someone enters the premises during this time, the intelligent software triggers an alarm that is received by the connected security control center. Trained employees go live to the construction site and assess the situation immediately. They can also “intervene” directly in the action via the loudspeakers attached to the camera tower – because in most cases, directly addressing the intruders will cause them to retreat. If this is not the case, the police will be notified. “Camera surveillance in a prime city center location naturally also leads to discussions among passers-by. Questions often arise about data protection. However, by using software to hide adjacent paths and areas, we ensure that only the construction site is in view – and only when surveillance is actually necessary,” says Jörn Windler, Managing Director of the International Security Group from Hesel.