Protecting critical infrastructure through video surveillance
The current cases of sabotage make it clear: Germany’s critical infrastructure is vulnerable. Possible weak points are known in many places – information on this is even openly available online in some cases. It is therefore necessary to deal with modern protective measures. Particularly as personnel security services quickly reach their limits in times of labor shortages and are also inefficient, especially in large areas that are difficult to survey. In this context, digital, camera-based solutions offer a sensible alternative in many places.
Substations, pipelines or even hospitals: every act of sabotage has dramatic consequences in this environment. To prevent this, the protection of this sensitive infrastructure must be strengthened. The current cases have already led to measures being taken, some of which are being carried out at great expense in terms of personnel. On the one hand, this solution quickly reaches its limits in times of acute staff shortages. On the other hand, personal security includes natural weaknesses: Even though the field of vision of the human eye is around 175 degrees, it can only see in focus at certain points and is also dependent on light sources. Security experts such as Jörn Windler, Managing Director of International Security GmbH and President of Smart Surveilance, therefore recommend camera surveillance systems: “These work much more efficiently and are also more economical than a staffed security service”. Digital and future-oriented security is guaranteed by intelligent video analytics. Video Guard, for example, comprises a combination of camera tower, software and a staffed alarm center. The cameras keep an eye on the area to be protected, while intelligent software detects intruders and reports this to the staffed security control center. The system therefore analyzes the digital data autonomously in the first step. The system takes account of the concept of efficiency with optimized response times – a notification can be sent in just two minutes thanks to the technical preparatory work.