Successfully secured: Construction site on the Melaten campus in Aachen
The Aachen branch of Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW is building the “Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems”, or CARL for short, on the Melaten campus. The construction site cameras here have triggered the alarm several times in recent months – but theft and vandalism were prevented thanks to Video Guard’s rapid response
The project, which is funded by the federal and state governments, started in October 2019. The construction work is being carried out by a consortium consisting of Zech Bau, Derichs and Konertz and Engie. The new building with a usable area of 5,000 square meters is designed as a research building and offers space for around 160 people. In the future, the focus here will be on the ageing, service life and reliability of power electronics and batteries.
Presence pays off
Video Guard protected the construction project from the beginning of March 2021 to March 2022. Up to four camera towers were in use on the site during this time. Among other things, construction containers, machines and materials were secured – over a long period of time during the week and throughout the weekend. The system recorded a total of 56 alarms, all of which were unauthorized persons attempting to gain access to the construction site. Thanks to the acoustic warnings from the loudspeakers attached to the camera tower, everyone was quickly sent away from the site, thereby avoiding any damage at all. The construction project is another example of the importance of Video Guard security.